Centrefold, Theodore # 1965 Number of raging bush fires: 3 Number of dummy spits: 1 Run Report: Mixo- useless map -69/10. Scarlet- piece of shit map, good views. HILLS! 10/10. Charges: Pugwash for alcohol abuse. Boop and Crunchy for visiting a coffee shop. (it's better than the down down muck!) Fluid movement for giving Pink Bitch a hernia. Gerbils for back marking out of laziness. Ankle Biter was gnawed on by a wombat (?) Infallible forgot the dray (& Seedless) Shirt twins- HF & Poo Shooter. Shoe twins- Greasy & Pug Wash Cheers and happy heavenly hashing to TULIP EATER who can enjoy an eternal down down in Hashy Heaven. He died on trail in Cambodia. And like a sausage roll was wrapped up in a blanket and carried off the trail by his hash mates. On On!! Returnees: Pink Bitch, Fluid Movement, Duck head, Drunken tiger, Easy, Ankle Biter, Squatter, JR, Bushman & Matilda, Pug Wash & Stick Date. Birthdays: Bushman, Dicky Knee & Sun Bean. Anniversaries: JR 1050 runs. Gerbils 606 runs. MTPU 1044 runs. Poosh 424 runs. SuEllen 1010 runs. Awards: None awarded this week, as no-one bought them. Although an honourable mention for Blue Hawaii for her tenacity. With a busted hand she doesn’t have the dexterity to drink from a glass so she goes right ahead and has a whole jug instead. WOOHOO go the Harriette!!! Cracker of the week: It was already stale. Bush fire update: CL & Sunshine stuck in Callaroo due to some smoky, hot, burny type weather.